Merry Christmas to You — From Swegon Air Academy

As this year is soon coming to an end, we want to wish you a happy holiday and a great new year together with Swegon Air Academy!
Highlights from 2022
To summarise, the year 2022 was indeed a very happy year for Swegon Air Academy. We have launched a new website and a new social page on LinkedIn. In addition, we have also curated 7x online webinars in collaboration with leading experts in the field of ventilation, indoor climate and health & well-being.
New website
Our new website explains what is 'Good ventilation', what makes up the 'Indoor climate', and discusses 'Health, well-being & productivity' in relation to the indoor environment. In addition, the site has in-depth 'Case studies' based on Swegon buildings, 'Research' findings, 'Webinars' and all 'Documents for download'.
New webinars
In collaboration with leading experts in the field of ventilation, indoor environment and people in buildings, we have hosted 7x webinars throughout this year. All webinar recordings are available to all interested parties (link here).
Visualising the Invisible — People, Comfort, Ventilation and Acoustics
- This 4-part webinar series will help you visualise the invisible by breaking down what makes up the indoor climate and how best to utilise all elements of the indoor environment. Each session deeply delves into people, comfort, ventilation and acoustics.
Indoor Climate — A Key Factor to Perform on Top
- We are proud to collaborate closely with the Swedish Biathlon National Team. In this webinar recording, you will get an insight into the lives of some of the top biathlon athletes in Sweden.
EPD/LCA — Possibilities from an HVAC installation and lighting perspective
- Learn how Life cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) can drive more environmentally friendly product development. How to balance quality, cost and the environment. Together with experts from the Fagerhult Group.
Lowering energy consumption without compromising comfort
- How do we reduce energy consumption without compromising on the indoor climate? Our experts discuss overall strategies and recommendations on what impacts you may need to consider for people and buildings.
Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming Swegon Air Academy webinars in 2023.
A sincere thank you
We, the Swegon Air Academy team and Swegon colleagues, would like to thank to our guests, lecturers and other partners for participating, contributing and supporting Swegon Air Academy throughout the year of 2022. We truly appreciate that you share your knowledge with us.
What to expect in 2023
In 2023, Swegon Air Academy will continue to host a range of educational information on all areas of indoor climate, as well as share research knowledge, present collaborations, host webinars, and publish interesting case studies and other publications. Find out more via our 'Updates & Insights'.