Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wish you a happy holiday and a great new year with Swegon Air Academy!
Highlights from 2023
The year 2023 was a very happy year for Swegon Air Academy. We have formed a Think Tank — a group of experts with expertise and knowledge on the indoor environment, health and well-being of building occupants. In addition, we have also curated 4x online webinars in collaboration with leading experts in the field of ventilation, indoor climate and health & well-being. And we continued with bringing good knowledge throughout our website.
A new Think Tank
To understand how different indoor climate parameters affect us humans, and how we can raise awareness around how vital a good indoor environment is for our productivity, health and well-being, a Think Tank with leading experts in the indoor environment has been formed. Learn more about Think Tank and the experts.
New webinars
In collaboration with leading experts in the field of ventilation, indoor environment and people in buildings, we have hosted 4x webinars this year. All webinar recordings are available to all interested parties (link here).
How an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) focus is a competitive advantage to the real estate sector
- The ESG standard can be used to evaluate the sustainability impact of a company. Much focus has been given to the Environmental criteria, but how can we approach the Social and Governance parts? Can the indoor environment be part of the solution?
How to optimize indoor climate and improve comfort?
- How can we, by utilizing ventilation in combination with the building construction and floor layout, ensure we meet demands for comfort and energy efficiency?
Acoustics in Ventilation — Taming the Low Frequency Roar
- The sound control — low frequency, especially infrasound — is becoming one of the biggest challenges in the HVAC industry. So, how can we control something that we cannot hear?
Are buildings with low humidity levels really healthy buildings?
- All about interesting facts, research and findings from the perspective of medicine, indoor environmental quality and building systems, including HVAC & ventilation.
Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming Swegon Air Academy webinars in 2024.
A sincere thank you
We, the Swegon Air Academy team and Swegon colleagues, would like to thank to our guests, lecturers and other partners for participating, contributing and supporting Swegon Air Academy.
What to expect in 2024
Next year, Swegon Air Academy will continue to host a range of educational information on all areas of indoor climate, health and well-being. Sign up to the Swegon Air Academy newsletter and also find out more via our 'Updates & Insights'.