Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year: Reflecting on our quest for indoor environmental quality in 2024

We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year by making a recap of 2024. We sum up the year as "on the quest for indoor environmental quality" and you will soon understand why. To not leave you questioning what the next year will bring, we will also give a peek of what is to come.
Looking back at the first half of 2024.
In July, we reflected on the first half of the year and we shared highlights from our knowledge-sharing path this year in our Update & Insight called 'Half-year in review and looking ahead with Swegon Air Academy'. We mentioned the below:
- Low humidity indoors – Indoor environment, research and technology.
- Circularity and minimised embodied carbon in technical installations in buildings.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) global limit values for air quality.
- Understanding the indoor climate and people in buildings.
The second half of the year 2024 was mainly a deep dive.
During the year’s last six months, we dug even deeper into the research, among else, about children's school performances. We also held two webinars on EPBD & SRI and the Blue House with green ambitions. Further, Think Tank experts wrote an article about indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and ESG reporting which was for sure more than just food for thought.
As you, for sure, are interested in all of the above topics, we have gathered everything here for you:
Start of the school year - Indoor environmental quality in schools must be ensured so children can learn and perform at their best.
- Ensuring indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in schools for optimal student performance and learning, as students may spend 10-20 years in classroom-based education. The research focuses on the thermal environment, indoor air quality (IAQ), noise and sound conditions, daylight, lighting, and view of outdoors.
Learn more from the published Update & Insight: 'Back to school - Research-driven insights about indoor climate and student learning'.
EPBD and smart readiness indicator (SRI) - with the focus on indoor air quality in buildings in collaboration with REHVA.
- Unlock the future with the EPBD recast and integration of buildings' smart readiness for high energy performance, comfortable indoor environments, and decarbonisation of all buildings. Learn how the indoor climate can be made visible through building standards and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) monitoring.
Watch the webinar: 'Future-proof your expertise - Smart-ready buildings and the EPBD recast with Pablo Carnero Melero, Technical and EU Project Officer at REHVA, and Mikael Börjesson, Competence Sustainability Director at Swegon.
Green ambitions from an owner perspective and with future demands of energy-efficient buildings.
- Explore the challenges and breakthroughs in designing and implementing energy-efficient HVAC systems that deliver exceptional indoor climates to keep the tenants comfortable and drive sustainability through digitalisation and monitoring.
Watch the webinar: 'The Blue House with green ambitions - The importance of monitoring advanced HVAC systems to optimise energy efficiency and indoor climate' with Erik Jansson as Technical Design Engineer at Erelko AB, Ulf Hörman as Business Development Director at Swegon, Anders Hultman as Project Systems Engineer at Swegon, Robin Svensson as Service Engineer at Swegon and Åsa Norén-Lundh as Indoor Environmental Competence Manager.
The hidden link – how indoor environmental quality (IEQ) can drive ESG reporting by experts from Swegon Air Academy Think Tank.
- Discover the hidden link between Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and ESG Reporting. In an insightful article published by IPE Real Estate, the Swegon Air Academy Think Tank explores how indoor environmental quality (IEQ) plays a pivotal role in shaping ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting.
Dive into the published Update & Insight: 'The hidden link – how indoor environmental quality can drive ESG reporting'. Here is the link to the article that was published at IPE Real Assets.
Follow us on social media & sign up for our newsletter.
At LinkedIn, we also shared our thoughts on World Ventilation Day on November 8th (see the post), and our experts have shared their insights on how to make the indoor climate visible using EPBD & SRI (check the short video here). Our YouTube channel is also as a treasure trove of valuable videos.
In 2025, we will continue our quest to share information with you.
We will continue to bring you valuable knowledge in 2025, then on topics such as sustainability, indoor environmental quality, and people's comfort and well-being. For us, there will always be a hunger for further knowledge about resilient and healthy buildings, today and in the future, and also about how to make buildings attractive and sustainable while simultaneously ensuring energy savings and good IEQ for the people inside.
Stay tuned on our website and on our LinkedIn channel, or subscribe to our newsletter at
Once again, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!
The Swegon Air Academy Team.