A new Think Tank gathers internationally renowned experts on indoor environment

In the past years, the indoor climate has increased in awareness and attention amongst politicians, companies, schools and the general public. The indoor environment is crucial for our health, productivity, and well-being. As we spend almost 90% of our time indoors, a good indoor environment is essential making people feel safe and comfortable indoors.
A Think Tank with leading experts on the indoor environment
The indoor climate is complex and consists of several parameters, some of them are visible and some are invisible. To understand how different indoor climate parameters affect us humans, and how we can raise awareness around how vital a good indoor environment is for our productivity, health and well-being, a Think Tank with leading experts in the indoor environment has been formed.
Members of Think Tank
The Think Tank consists of six members: Philomena Bluyssen, Professor of Indoor Environment at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands; Lars Ekberg, Professor in Indoor Environment and Climate Technology and Consultant at CIT Renergy in Sweden; John Rune Nielsen, CEO of Norwegian Institute for Air Research in Norway; Pawel Wargocki, Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark; Ida Bryn, Technical Director of HVAC, Energy and Environment at Multiconsult in Norway, and Andrei Vladimir Litiu, Executive Director of Energy Performance of Building Standards Center in Belgium.
Other information
The Think Tank experts will meet 3-4 times per year to discuss trends, research and knowledge — to contribute with their expertise and knowledge of the indoor environment in buildings along with the focus health and well-being of their occupants. The Think Tank members are not reimbursed. The Think Tank is coordinated by Swegon Air Academy.
For more information, please contact: Åsa Norén-Lundh and Malin Höij.
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