Air Academy Team
We are the people making this amazing knowledge sharing possible and accessible to you.

Mikael Börjesson
I am responsible for Air Academy together with Malin. I am also responsible for sustainability strategy and strategic planning of competence development throughout the Swegon Group
I have a solid knowledge of ventilation and building automation and I'm passionate about indoor climate knowledge, both within Swegon and the industry as a whole.

Malin Höij
I am responsible for Air Academy together with Mikael. I am also responsible for Brand Communication at Swegon Group.
I am curious, questioning and eager to learn. I am also passionate about my job, staying healthy and love to make us all feel good inside.

Petra Vladykova Bednarova
I have been working with Swegon Air Academy for more than 10 years — organizing seminars throughout the world, writing articles and working on the website.
I am a passionate advocate of knowledge sharing in any form. And I admire the architecture, design and technology of the buildings.

Åsa Norén-Lundh
I have a passion for solutions that create a great indoor environment and make people feel good inside. I have a background within product management and system development from a room and user perspective.
My role within Swegon is to drive and develop knowledge and research about the indoor climate both internally and externally.

Amanda Westin
I make sure the website functions and the platform behind it are performing well.
As technology and the digital era is my passion, I am fascinated by the new and exciting technologies combined with solutions for indoor climate which will create both smart and healthy indoor environments.

Josh Emerson
I am a marketing professional working with the Air Academy. I am engaged in improving the built environment, reducing energy consumption, and enhancing occupant wellbeing. I do this with knowledge sharing and research with both the Air Academy and trade bodies in the UK.

Dean Clemmett
I ensure that Swegon Air Academy's educational webinars reach a wide audience of people interested in IEQ. I also look after the technical side of organising and creating webinar programmes.
I have a great interest in modern building projects and I am fascinated by the technology that helps to push the boundaries of architecture and building design.